Monday, 17 August 2009

Intuition Rocks!

Intuition is, without a doubt, one of the most blessed and powerful gifts we possess. The word itself suggests tuition from within. The problem is, of course, we're not very good at listening to things going on within, not when there's so much going on out there. There's just too much noise, too many voices, too many opinions, too many judgements, too many commitments, too many expectations, too many roles to fulfil, too many responsibilities, too many conflicts – just too much stuff going on in what the Taoists call the world of the ten thousand things. How can you possibly hear anything else above all that racket?

Well, intuition's trump card is that it is, as we've discussed, within you. It's closer to you than anyone can get, even if someone is right up to your ear, hollering for all they are worth, they cannot get as close to you as your intuition. So, it's not exactly a case of listening to your intuition, it's more a case of being less distracted by the outer noise. Once you allow the surface noise to fade, the voice of your intuition is all that's there. You can't fail to hear it.

Which is all well and good, but come on – allowing the surface noise to fade? Becoming less distracted? Pah! Surely that's impossible for anyone other than Yogis in caves or Monks in silent monasteries? And as I'm assuming today is not a day for you to up sticks and follow either of these lifestyles, you'll be relieved (I'm sure) to know that there are options here for us all if we, too, want to quieten down our world and become more tuned into our intuition.

As with most things, it's regularity that causes the magic here so start now and make sure to at least think about your intuition once a day for the rest of your life. It's easy, I promise and way more simple than you might expect – intuition has got a bit of bad press for being all complicated and elusive. It's not. It's there, it's on your side, telling you the truth the whole time. So when you next find yourself in a confusing situation and want to attune to your intuition for guidance as to the best way forward, get away from the noise and go somewhere quiet – the bathroom is always a good choice, how many moments of clarity and enlightenment have happened on toilets around the world? OK, let's not go there. Back to intuition. Breathe deeply into your belly and allow your whole body to relax. Close your eyes and try to move your attention backwards in your head, away from all the hustle going on in the front of your brain, and you'll experience a very subtle shift where everything suddenly goes quieter and calmer. (The more you do this, the easier it becomes until you can actually do it whilst chatting to someone or in full throttle of the day's activity. A neat trick). Then ask. Speak directly to your intuition and ask whatever it is you want to know. Chances are, you'll get a host of different answers springing into your head, but if you listen carefully, there will be one voice quieter than the rest, calmer and more soothing, and the answer it is giving you somehow feels totally right - even if it wasn't what you were expecting, somewhere in the depths of your being, you know it is right. These are very subtle, very gentle sensations but unmistakable. This is your intuition. And if you follow it, you won't go far wrong.

Start today – even if you have nothing you wish to consult your intuition about. If everything is smooth and flowing in your life right now, it's a good idea to start strengthening your connection with your intuition. Greet it, welcome it, assure it that you trust it and that you choose from this moment on to work with it as you appreciate it is only interested in your highest and greatest good. Every time you connect with it, even if just for a second or two, you will becoming more attuned to your intuition which is a sure-fire way of gaining clarity and guidance in all aspects of life.

And if you ask me, making friends with your intuition - that soft, gentle, little voice within – totally makes sense. Because let's face it, living in this dazzling, confusing & hectic world, we could use all the help we can get.


  1. Great post Jinny! If we'd all just take the time daily to "stop the monkey mind chatter" for a bit, and allow the subtleties/insights of intuition to surface...the world just might be the better for it! That's one of reasons why I meditate...

    Mtn. Jim in northern Colorado

  2. I like it!

    You make a very good case for intuition.
    Two small suggestions: First, perhaps it's my computer, but I find the text difficult to read--grey on a light green background. I would like the text to be more distinct.
    Second, you might point out another benefits of intution, such as its use when there is not enough knowlege of the situtation for reason to make the decision. You implied it, of course,.but some people have to be hit over the head.

    Look forward to reading your next subject..

    Best regards,
