Sunday, 20 September 2009

Living in the Present Moment

In a Stephen King novel I read recently, one of the characters says “whatever I do, I rush through so I can do something else.” And I knew exactly what they meant – don´t you? If I´m catching up on e-mails, I´m thinking I´d best hurry up so I can clean the bathroom. If I´m doing Qi Gong exercises, shouldn´t I really be doing Yoga? If I´m reading, why am I not writing? If I´m watching a movie, am I missing out on some sparkling night out? I´m even writing this, wondering if I shouldn´t be preparing dinner by now. And I really need to empty the washing machine. And what about that short story I started a while ago.....

In NLP there is a thing called the Time Line. Some people when they think about time as a line (in their mind´s eye) see the past as a point to the left, running to the future which is a point on the right, with the present right in the middle (sometimes left-handed people see it the other way around). Other people see the past as a point behind them running in a line to the future in front of them. This latter group are usually the best at being present, fully engrossed in what they are doing at any one time. Needless to say, I belong to the former – and I´ve found it does help to consciously change the way I visualise time (from side to side to front to back)...when I remember to do it!

There´s a lot to be said about living in the Now, not least of which is the fact that you really do feel more alive. When your mind is all over the place, flitting from one thing to the next, you tend to miss out on what is actually going on right now. The simple fact is that, in any given situation at any time, there is a whole world of beauty, a whole host of things to notice and to fascinate us, if we will only stop for a second and appreciate them. When you think about it, it´s actually quite rude not to and can in fact, be dangerous. Doesn´t it worry anyone else that you can drive a route you take regularly, and not remember the journey when you get there? It´s like sleepwalking and leaves us feeling at best dissatisfied and at worst out of control and vulnerable.

When we are fully present, living consciously as much as we can, we feel more in control, things stop just happening “to” us and our lives become fuller and brighter. The best way to settle ourselves down when our heads start spinning with all that we should be doing, rather than enjoying where we´re actually at, is plain and simple breathing. Honestly! Within seconds, if we focus on our breath, slow it down, make the inhalations and exhalations of equal duration and breathe deeply into the abdomen, everything kind of slots back into place and before you know where you are, you are right back where you are. Doing whatever it is you´re doing. Couple this with the affirmation that you are always in the right place at the right time doing the right thing with the right people for the right result and you´re onto a sure-fire winner. And once you´re back in the zone, in the Now, it´s a good idea to take a look around – notice something you hadn´t seen before about the room (or wherever) you happen to be. Notice how you´re feeling. Notice how the energy feels. I´m willing to bet a small fortune that something new will reveal itself to you, and you´ll find yourself smiling, happy to be exactly where you are and filled with the wonder of it all. Of being alive.

At the end of the day, it´s handy to remember that time is only an illusion anyway – created simply to stop everything from happening all at once and making an almighty mess. Thinking about this for too long, however, can really screw you up, so don´t try to understand how and why – just realise that Now, this very moment is the only thing that is real, the only thing that matters, the only thing you truly have and this should be enough to humble us all into appreciating it and everything that it is bringing to us. Now.

Bear in mind that the Universe or the Tao is communicating with us all day long, and the only way we can hear & see the magic and the messages for our highest good is by being alive. Right here, right now.

And now, if you´ll excuse me, I´ve got to go and get dinner on!


  1. Once again, brilliant. Have you got anything on getting so absorbed in the present moment that you forget to do the essentials like eat and sleep lol!! xx

  2. Recently I received the grace of consciously being fully in the NOW quite unexpectedly - so beautiful and peaceful. On a recent shamanic journey my guides advised me that I'm not here to do, but BE, not to achieve, but ALLOW. Recently on the Oprah show there was a story which really affected me. To make a long story short - that of an Assistant Principal who was so stressed on the first day of the Fall term that she forgot her sleeping baby and left her in the car at the school car park all day, having forgotten to drop her to the childminder on the way to work. Her husband usually did that but on that tragic morning had a dental appointment. The baby died in the 100 deg heat. Such a painful reminder to all of us to breathe, take things one step at a time and not get stressed out at something as trivial as our work. My guides also tell me I'm not here to 'work' but to enjoy the experience of Life; that once I unblock myself from expectations all will flow towards me. That, I guess, applies to all of us. We simply need to relax into the present and release fears and expectations generated by past experience. When I practice Chi Kung I send light to that family who paid such a high price for succumbing to stressful expectations.

  3. Right to the heart of the matter. We all live in the present, but few are aware of it. This blog points out that it is not enough to be in the present, but one must be attentive to the fact that one is.

    The past and future both have their place in the present, but one should not try to live in the past or in the future.

    As usual Jinny gives encouragement coupled with excellent advice.

    Perhaps--we can only hope--some day soon she might put her blogs together and publish them as a book. The title of course would be: "Healing & Light from the White Isle."
