For most of my adult life, I've always gone along with the belief that We are spiritual beings having a human experience, rather than the other way around, but recently I've begun to see that this could, actually, be a bit of an understatement.
My tendency was to think that my physical body housed my spirit, and that when I was ready to leave the planet and this life experience, I would drop the body, and the spirit would...well, I wasn't too sure exactly what the spirit would do at that point, to be honest, but I knew it would be something darned spiritual.
Recently, though, I've come to the understanding that although, yes, our bodies are the vehicles our spirits or souls inhabit in order to have this human experience...whilst we are here, we are still actually in spirit at the same time. It is not a case of us being released back to the Source when we die – there is an element of us that has always remained there while we have been off doing our physical thing.
You're all probably reading this, thinking 'yeah, Jin, tell us something we don't know,” and if that's the case, then please excuse me, but it hit me like a sledge-hammer the other day and now, here I am, finding myself sitting here writing about it.
I like to call this non-physical part of me The Big I Am, firstly because it is WAY bigger than the little physical me, and secondly because it makes me smile and The Big I Am seems to like smiles much more than tears or anger.
The Big I Am is on your side one hundred percent, s/he loves you unconditionally no matter what. From The Big I Am's all-embracing perspective (as opposed to our limited 3-D one), everything is perfect; your life is perfect and you are perfect. Your life might feel to be confusing, or in a mess, but rest assured, The Big I Am sees the whole picture and will be trying to reassure you and steer you in the right direction at all times.
You might be beating yourself up for something 'unforgivable' that you have done, you may be struggling to like yourself because of your very human-ness which in itself means that we are not perfect or filled with grace all of the time - sometimes we get it 'wrong' - but The Big I Am sees all this, blesses it and releases it so that you can, if you wish, learn and move on.
Other people may be pushing you to your very limits with their demands, their hurtfulness, even their hate...The Big I Am is whispering encouragement to you to protect or remove yourself from harmful people and situations, you deserve better and you are worthy of love. Always.
Above all, whatever is going on in your life, no matter how bad it seems, or how badly people seem to be treating you, or how badly you think you've screwed things up, The Big I Am never gives up on you and once you tune into that knowing, and really feel the truth of it, then neither will you.
So, if this is all old news to you, and I'm a bit slow off the mark here, then perhaps the reason I've been so compelled to write this is not to tell you something you already know, but just to remind you. The Big I Am is there with you always, and all you need to do – especially if you are in an upsetting or seemingly impossible situation – is to throw a quick glance over your shoulder (I always use my left one for some reason) and ask to be aligned with your non-physical self.
I can't say exactly how it will work out for you, but I'm willing to wager a small bet that by consciously connecting in this way, by allowing the unconditional love and grace of the The Big I am to flow through you, you will suddenly have the subtle knowing that, hey, everything's all right and there's nothing you can't handle...which is the most empowering feeling in the world and, I'd go so far as to say, perhaps the only thing that really matters at the end of the day.
And that's really pretty much all there is to it...simple and obvious...yet an awakening that when it comes, ensures that life can never be the same again because you can never be a victim and there is nothing that you can't handle.
Bring it on!
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