I suppose as it's been over four months since my last blog, I'd better have something darnned interesting to share with you. Well, as it happens, I jolly well do!
It has been an fascinating four months to put it mildly, filled with lessons and eye-opening experiences...all of them revolving around our house move. People say that moving house is one of the most stressful experiences you can have, but for us, it was pre-moving house that was causing the stress. Let me explain...
We last moved house almost two years ago, and within a very short space of time, it became clear that the house we had thought was ideal for us, was in fact, to put it politely...an absolute dump. That well-respected company “Bodgit & Scarper” had obviously been employed to half-do every job - light-fittings were loose, kitchen cupboard doors were falling off the hinges, the water was brown much of the time and had a worryingly sulphur-like smell, the windows didn't fit properly, the impressive-looking open-fire place did nothing but fill the house with rancid smoke and the telephone line & broadband that the agent assured us had been enjoyed by the last tenant turned out to be unavailable in our particular area. Worse still, our beloved oldest cat, Reznor, was knocked down right outside the house within a month of us moving in. A sign? Definitely, but even though more and more things started conking out in the house as the months passed, and we were dismayed to see the undeniable signs of construction work about to begin in the field right next to our house, we were undeterred. We had a plan.
After struggling along for a full year so as not to default on the one-year contract we had signed, last February, we helped some friends of ours move into their new place. Immediately, hubby and I fell in love with their house...it was well-maintained, nicely-furnished, had a phone line plus broadband and was situated in a beautiful location. We ranted and raved and told our friends over and over how lucky they were to have found such a spot. After just a few weeks, they confessed to us that, whilst they liked their new house, they were planning to go travelling later in the year, probably in November, then to rent somewhere else on the island when they returned. They appreciated that we were keen to move out of our house as soon as ever possible, but if we were willing to hold fire for a few months, would we be interested in taking over their rental contract when they left, which would mean that we would have our dream home on Ibiza, and they would not be reneging on their one-year contract, thus losing their security deposit? Would we? Yes, of course!! It was the perfect solution for all of us.
For the next few months, we tolerated new, noisy neighbours with kids whose toys started to litter the street, and whose dogs chased our cats. We tolerated the fact that our washing machine filled with water when not in use, yet not a drop was to be seen when on a cycle. Even the water tank exploding and turning downstairs into a murky-looking swimming pool didn't bother us that much. We would be handing in our month's notice at the end of October at the latest and we were counting the days.
Then things took a bit of a turn.
October arrived and we kept asking our friends when they wanted to meet up with their landlord to make sure it was all right with him for us to move in. Intuition started to whisper that something was wrong, along with common sense when they clearly avoided the subject over and over. Eventually, two weeks before we were due to hand in our notice, they dropped the bombshell that their plans had changed...they hoped we would understand, but they were no longer going travelling. Really sorry and all that.
I would like to say, at this point, that we took this in our stride; we hugged them, told them it was fine, not to worry, these things happen. I'd like to say that, but it would be a lie. We fumed, we cursed...hey, we're only human, and the fact remained that we could have found somewhere else and been out of the hell-hole we were living in months before. And now we had only two weeks to find a new home and hand in our month's notice so that we didn't have to spend another Christmas in our old place. However, I can say that these negative emotions were short-lived and we soon came to terms with our situation, realising that – as with all things in life – this had to have happened for a reason, and we began to take positive action. I focused on handing this over to the Tao to manifest the next perfect home for us, and hubby trawled the internet, looking for somewhere and just over a week later, we made an appointment to view a property which, to cut a long story short, is where we are now living...and it truly is our perfect home.
So, all's well that ends well...a nice story, but there's more to it than that, and this is the reason I decided to blog about it. Believe it or not, our new home is less than a five minute drive from our friends' house. It's a similar kind of property which has all of the attributes that made their house so appealing to us in the first place, and at the risk of sounding like I'm gloating (Who? Me? Perish the thought!), quite a few more besides.
Funny how things turn out, isn't it? All those months that, in our initial anger and disappointment, we thought we had wasted waiting for our friends to move, had actually been put to the best possible use, as we had been doing nothing less than visualising ourselves living in this beautiful part of northern Ibiza, in a lovely, comfortable home. And because we didn't waste too much time and energy feeling angry, resentful or self-pitying, those visualisations manifested into something way better than we had been expecting.
And just as another nice, little sign to show us we're on track and in the right place...our old house was in a place called Can Guasch in Santa Eulalia. Our new landlady's name is Eulalia Guasch. Oh, Tao, you do crack me up sometimes!!!
Wishing you all the miracles and magic from the Tao that you truly deserve.